The Fraying of Magic

Chapter 2: The Test

Did you miss chapter 1? Click here to start! How long they stood there in the entry hall, Vivienne couldn’t say. Long enough for the late afternoon light to fade...


Chapter 2: The Test

Did you miss chapter 1? Click here to start! How long they stood there in the entry hall, Vivienne couldn’t say. Long enough for the late afternoon light to fade...

Chapter 1: Arrival - Kyle West Books

Chapter 1: Arrival

Vivienne Desai stood at the railing of the sailboat Aurora, her gaze fixed on the distant, flat peak of Transcend Mount. The mighty Volsung Academy, a massive edifice of gray stone...

Chapter 1: Arrival

Vivienne Desai stood at the railing of the sailboat Aurora, her gaze fixed on the distant, flat peak of Transcend Mount. The mighty Volsung Academy, a massive edifice of gray stone...